Why join the Guild?

Exclusive Events.

Guild members are invited to attend exclusive events designed by and for the guild. These include ‘editorial speed dating’ sessions with publishers, expert panels, Q&As with industry leaders and more.

Annual Conference.

Guild members are welcome to attend one of the most exciting events of the literary calendar: the Black Writers Guild annual conference!

Open to members only.

Access to Opportunities.

Through the regular newsletter, Guild members will have access to third-party event discounts , targeted job opportunities and other opportunities of interest, all aimed at Black writers.

Access to Funds.

Whether through the Mary Prince Memorial Award or one-off hardship fund support, the Black Writers Guild is here for its members, providing access to financial support to finish off literary projects.


The Black Writers Guild represents its members by holding publishing to account. Through regular meetings with the CEOs of major publishing houses, members’ interests are advocated for, and in the case of individual grievances, the Guild may act as a moderator between parties.

Access to Support.

Whether through featuring your book in the upcoming releases calendar, featuring your work in the regular newsletter, or offering informal advice and support through the network, the Guild is here to support members navigate the publishing industry.

  • It was excellent. Joining the Black Writer’s Guild was the network I didn’t realise I needed.

    Guild Member

  • It was good to get behind the scenes of the country’s biggest publishing house and get face time with editors.

    - Guild Member after HarperCollins partnership event

  • Fantastic to see so many of our editors and BWG authors come together in such an engaged and positive way.

    Kate Elton, HarperCollins publisher after partnership event

Membership options

Regular Member: Yearly

Automatic direct debit of £50 a year.

Regular Member: Monthly

Automatic direct debit of £5 a month.

Regular Member: Pay it Forward

Direct debit of £100 a year, funding another Guild writer.